The manufacturer and creator of a life saving meal known as Dessoi flour, Dr Paulin has revealed why many people unknowingly eat poison instead of food, for instance, when those whose gin is prone to diabetes materials, concentrate on eating food that contains sugar, cholesterol or sodium, you can bet by anything that they are not eating food but poison that quickens their steps to early grave.
The international man, who used to receive news of prolong ill-health of business counterparts, relations and friends, which sometimes lead to their untimely death, not to talk of mind-boggling amount of money spent. Ailments, in most cases include, Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, etc has finally found Dessoi Flour as a cure.
This was made today in Lagos during the official launching having the Nollywood movie star, Iyabo Ojo as the Brand Ambassador.
According to Dr. Paulin "It gladdens my heart to stand before God and mankind as a useful and honourable vessel in the World, which I considered the House of God, because God created the earth and the fullness therein. I am also grateful to Almighty God who gave me the honour to address you as the Manufacturer and Creator of DESSOI FLOUR, the meal that has proved its worthiness in saving lives and promoting longevity in other countries, such as … The testimonies I receive from people urges me to move on quickly into countries that are yet to benefit from this God given solution to end premature death through these ailments that silently and arrogantly pride themselves of being given the power that shortens people’s life. It is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord."
"Before delving into the nature of DESSOI FLOUR, permit me to say one or two things that prompted me to launch myself into research and eventually landed me on the land of creation and manufacturing of the meal we are launching today, DESSOI FLOUR."
"As an international man, I used to receive news of prolong ill-health of business counterparts, relations and friends, which sometimes lead to their untimely death, not to talk of mind-boggling amount of money spent. Ailments, in most cases include, Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, etc."
"By intuition I believe this ought not to have been so if they had taken proper care of themselves by watching what they put in their mouths as food. A lot of people don’t realize this, that the only thing you gain by yourself, in this world, is what you eat."
"Surprisingly, many people unknowingly eat poison instead of food. Take for example, when those whose gin is prone to diabetes materials, concentrate on eating food that contains sugar, cholesterol or sodium, you can bet by anything that they are not eating food but poison that quickens their steps to early grave".
"The urge to save mankind from these slowly but deadly diseases launched me into five (5) years of clinical experiments that come always with 100% of expected results (satisfaction). It is these results which have been tested and proved worthy of saving lives, in other clime, that made me to come back home in Africa and let my fellow Africans, and Nigerians, in particular, have a taste of meal that combats these deadly ailments, DESSOI FLOUR".
"It has been submitted to, and approved by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, NAFDAC, the Federal Government agency responsible for regulating and controlling the manufacture, importation, etc of such meal with NAFDAC No. …
Now, What is DESSOI FLOUR?
DESSOI FLOUR is a special flour, 100% NATURAL FOOD. DESSOI FLOUR is neither a medicine nor a dietary supplement. This flour contains no Genetically modified organism (GMO) and no additive chemicals."
"DESSOI FLOUR is a new flour created to revolutionize the fight against certain diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, and constipation in Africa. DESSOI FLOUR is a flour produced in Nigeria from a combination of special cereals and tubers selected and grown in certain regions under special conditions, without chemicals and treated in “THE FIVE GNON” factories."
DESSOI FLOUR is exclusively very rich in Protein and Fiber. It does NOT contain sugar, cholesterol, or sodium. To save time, for more details please, see "Nutritional Facts" on the back the packaging bags of DESSOI FLOUR."
DESSOI FLOUR has a zero glycemic index; This means it does not add any sugar to blood or blood sugar levels. This glycemic index allows diabetics to consume DESSOI FLOUR to satiety without any fear. It is one of the very rare flours that diabetes patients can be asked to eat the desired quantity without moderation if sauces that accompany DESSOI FLOUR dough are made of vegetables and other foods expressly recommended for patients suffering from diabetes and/or hypertension. Thus, DESSOI FLOUR prevents and fights very effectively against diabetes. It reduces excess blood sugar and stabilizes the level of blood sugar in the body".
"Better, this flour does not bring sodium salt into the blood, which is also very good for hypertensives. As it is a low-calorie flour, it fights obesity and melts abdominal fat and gives a flat belly and facilitates the work of the heart. It makes lose weight without wasting away because of its richness in protein that nourishes the muscles and skin cells, which avoids wrinkles and stretch marks".
"The high level of protein in the flour therefore allows DESSOI FLOUR to strengthen the muscles of the Consumer, rejuvenate him and keep him strong and healthy. DESSOI FLOUR helps reduce excess of cholesterol. It prevents and fights against constipation and indigestion because of its great richness in fiber."
In general, DESSOI FLOUR can be consumed by everyone, sick or not: men, women pregnant or not, children, adults, and seniors. This flour can be adopted and consumed as daily diet to maintain good health, prevent, or treat a disease. It should be noted above all that as we age, we must pay attention to the foods we consume since the body becoming weaker can no longer eliminate all the excess of substances in the body.
Note that all hypertension and heart patients, obese, even pregnant women who have stretch marks, people who have hyper cholesterol, those who suffer from constipation, immune deficiency, sickle cell disease and all people who want to prevent these different diseases need to adopt DESSOI FLOUR and consume it as a daily diet without moderation."
DESSOI FLOUR is used in making porridge (KOKO) or dough, and then be accompanied with your choice sauces, expressly recommended for patients suffering from diabetes, hypertension, constipation, heart disease, etc. Those recommended sauces are generally vegetables, legume, tomatoes, okra, smoked and dried fish, etc. DESSOI FLOUR can also be used to make delicious bread, macaroni, spaghetti, and various other pastry products."
We want to respectfully invite Nutritionists, Diabetologists, Cardiologists, Medical Practitioners, All Health Workers, and the public in Nigeria and Africa to seize the opportunity that DESSOI FLOUR offers to make a much more effective fight against diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, belly fat, obesity, constipation, indigestion etc. From now on, The Five GNON Limited makes available for health professionals and the public the food they need for a much more effective fight against those diseases".
"We also invite restaurants, households, personnel in the pastry industry to join us for the fight to save lives by integrating DESSOI FLOUR-based meals into the varieties of meals they offer.
DESSOI FLOUR as daily diet for all. Please, join the fight to save lives of fellow Nigerian and African citizens." he added
He ended his speech with "Thank you" TMnews
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