London Mighty Visitation Day 2: Covenant is what exempt You from Battles -Dr Chris Okafor - TM NEWS ONLINE


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London Mighty Visitation Day 2: Covenant is what exempt You from Battles -Dr Chris Okafor

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 London Mighty Visitation Day 2: Covenant is what exempt You from Battles -Dr Chris Okafor

...Dr Chris Okafor shakes London again with Heavy Miracles

Covenant makes things that look unrealistic to work in once favour in as much as you understand the principle of that covenant and follow all the instructions to the latter.

Speaking at the Day 2 of the Ongoing London Mighty Visitation put together by Chris Okafor world outreach ministry in conjunction with Grace Nation worldwide, the Senior Pastor fondly called The Generational prophet of God by faithful Dr Chris Okafor said any spirit behind any covenant respond to the covenant.

Teaching on the Theme of the conference "The Mighty Visitation" with Subtitled "Covenant Practice" said to break forth in life you must first understand the covenant that works for you, he said covenant comes in different ways, some people make covenant with there Creator promising to continue to wins souls into the kingdom of God and when they fullfil their promises ,God in his infinite mercy  response to there needs depending on the terms and agreement to there covenant.

The Apostle of Altars also remarked that when you serve God in truth and in spirit, he deployed angles on Assignment to follow and guide you through, in all your Endeavors, this is why in some cases what many do and failed, you conveniently do the same and come out successful due to the covenant practice you deployed or your father's has deployed to work for your Generations.

Therefore when you serve God you are deploying the blood to fight for your battles, when you deploy blood for blood battles turnaround in your favour, Dr okafor said.

There are covenant Practice that changes Situation, when you understand how God operates and know what he wants you to do, he gives you the privilege to operate under his supernatural abundance and blessings the Generational prophet of God concluded.

It was a miracle galore on day 2 of the 3 days Prophetic Mighty Visitation conference going on in London, Heaven kissed the earth with Heavy testimonies, Deliverance Healings Miracles and Solutions, Power change Hand as God servant went deeper to dymestify Misery, ancient altars behind people's battles were exposed and sent to the grave, while The Generational prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor flies prophetically to villages ,altars were people Glories were kept, carry there glory with his Prophetic wings and return many Glories to the original owners, wombs that has never experienced Live came back Alive ready to carry miracle Babies, there were different kinds of Miracles all to the glory of God Almighty.

The London Mighty Visitation conference continues tomorrow by 4pm at the same venue, come with your heart desires for the conference, if you are in London and environs, God of Dr Chris Okafor is able to change your story for Better....

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